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but most of us only use a very small portion of our minds,
and therefore of our capacity. In an age when creativity and time are
the key commodities, learning how to learn is the key skill and the
brain is the key organ. Only if we can learn faster and more effectively
will we be able to thrive.

Ready, Go, Steady—will help you transform the way you perform.

Learning is learnable. Learning to learn is a kind of “learnacy” that
we all need to acquire.
There are three important stages to learning to learn, each
one of which is explored in a separate part:

Before you can start learning you need to be in the right emotional
state. The environment around you needs to be conducive and, most
importantly, you need to have actively switched on your mind.

As you learn you need to be able to use a wide range of different
techniques. You need to understand yourself as a learner. You need
to be able to know how to release your own creativity. You need
staying power, and you need to know how to deal with both success
and failure.

When you have learned something, you need to be able to reflect
on it and apply it in your own life, changing and adapting the way

you do things accordingly.

They want to go to school, learn a profession, have fun at their work, and earn lots of money. One day they wake up with big money problems, and then they can’t stop working. That’s the price of only
knowing how to work for money instead of studying how to have money work for you.

True learning takes energy, passion, and burning desire. Anger is a big part of that formula, for passion is anger and love combined.

To be continued!...


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