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Why Wait For The Opportunity? Create Opportunities By Yourself!

“Follow your passion” may not always be the best advice. If you have to be passionate about your work before you ever start, you might leave a lot of opportunities behind. Instead, start following the opportunities you have and apply your passion.
As business blog Entrepreneur explains, not everyone has every opportunity available to them in equal measure. Someone who grew up working in restaurants will have an easier time opening their own than someone who’s never stepped foot in a kitchen. Your circumstances give you a distinct set of strengths and weaknesses. Rather than picking a passion first and trying to shoehorn it into your life, take a look at your opportunities and ask yourself where you can apply your passion:
If you’re doing something you love and can turn that into a profitable business, that’s great. On the other hand, if you’re like most of us who need to get a job before life hands you the perfect one, start taking a look at the opportunities available to you. What do the people in your community need? Can you provide it? If you can find something someone else needs, you may find that your passion can follow.
Create Opportunities
Incredible opportunities don't usually just fall in your lap for no reason. Usually they come from someone who knows you already, knows of you, or has been referred to you.
That means that before opportunities can present themselves to you, you need to put yourself in the position to build strong relationships with key players, build your personal brand and business brand, and become known — No one can offer you an opportunity if they have no idea who you are. 
Opportunities are missed by most people because they don’t realise they’ve encountered such.  Here is one of those basic laws in life: There will always be opportunities are for those who recognise and pursue them. The lucky people are simply those who have taken more chances than average.

Why Wait For The Opportunity? Create Opportunities By Yourself!

Know your limits. – You can’t be perfect. You can’t do everything yourself. You can’t create a business or live the life of your dreams or make a lot of money if you don’t know your weaknesses, strengths and passions. If you know your limits and what you are capable of, you will know exactly what you need. Once you begin to know yourself, you will realise your weakness and you can fill these weaknesses with others, people, strength.

Open your eyes. – 
There is a lot more happening in the world than you see. Stop listening to music all the time you are riding the bus or the train. Maybe there is someone who can change your life in that bus/train. Maybe the person sitting next to you is your next business partner or your husband/wife or your new best friend. You just never know, life is unpredictable, and that’s why you should always keep your eyes wide open.  You might miss an opportunity simply because you were too busy listening to your iPod. Always be on the lookout even when doing simple activities as drinking coffee, riding the bus or walking back home.

Meet new people. – 
If you want to be presented with more opportunities, simply meet new people. The more people you know, the higher the chances you will be presented with new experiences. Go to meetings with people having similar interests as you. Visit conferences. You can even meet people online these days; join different Facebook groups, follow people on Twitter; join LinkedIn. People are not so mean as you think. Also if you are one of those people who meet a lot of people on a daily basis and have a problem remembering their names this app will help you a lot – Anki(This app will make you never forget a name, job position or age again. It does miracles.) Most people are open minded and are always looking for new friendships and connections. One of the reasons the Motivation grid had such a big growth in such a short time is because I meet new people every day.

Don’t be afraid to ask. – 
Just DON’T! There is no shame in not knowing something, and there is no shame in questioning things. Do you know how I got my first job? I simply asked the manager could I work here and after he interrogated me a bit he said; Yes. So I found a job by simply asking a question in a company that wasn’t looking for employees. Most people would gladly help you if you asked them nicely for some help. People are not monsters, most of us are good and kind. You just have to ask the right way.

Don’t be afraid to try a different approach. –
 In Bulgaria(the country I am from) blogging is not something people make money out of. Here most people don’t even know what blogging is and when I decided I wanted to blog, people laughed at me and told me to find myself a serious job. But I didn’t think so; I knew I could create a successful blog myself and that all happened thanks to the steps I mentioned above. And in the end, I did. Now I am earning x5 more than what my friends are earning. I am working from home, I work when I want to and  I haven’t even mentioned the best thing yet – I am doing something meaningful; I am helping people and I love that. I simply love what I do. Why? Because I wasn’t afraid to go out of the box. Just because the masses of people think something is wrong, doesn’t mean they are right.

Travel. – 
You should visit different places for at least one time a year. This way you will sure as well meet new people and also might be presented with an opportunity that simply doesn’t exist at your hometown. A friend of mine went for a vacation in Rome, but he never came back. He found a job there and he liked it so much that he decided to stay in Rome.

Build self-confidence. – 
You can’t make people follow you if you don’t look confident. That’s why you need confidence, you need to be sure 120% the things will work out right in the end if you want other people to believe you as well. It might be fake confidence, but you need to have it. Most people follow the leaders even when they make bad decisions simply because of their leadership status. And if you could make people follow you, you will surely be able to create a lot of opportunities for yourself/ your company/ your workplace.

Keep learning. – 
Learning is a process that never ends. You can always learn something new. Always maintain the attitude of a student. If you think you are done learning, bitterness set in, but if you have more to achieve every day, in any arena, that makes each morning’s awakening full of potential and cheery portent.
In the end, it all comes to doing. You will never get presented with opportunities by sitting and watching TV all day. Go out, feel, see, be and take part in life. If you are active and always on the lookout, you will always end up in the right place at the right moment.


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