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Showing posts from March, 2019


“HERE’S TO THE BETTER YOU” Set boundaries with others. Advocate for your own needs. Be caring towards others, but don't accept abuse from anyone. Remember, being a good person does not mean you have to take violent or disrespectful language or actions from anyone. ·          Respect the boundaries others set for you, too. Listen to your loved ones when they tell you they need space or want to do something alone. 1. Change your perception. Many people, when faced with a tough scenario like losing a job, look at their life with despair. I lost a job years ago. It was the hardest thing, up till that point in my life, that had ever happened. I was lost. I finally realized my choices were to let the challenges and frustrations of the past dictate my current feelings and behaviour, or learn from the situation and realize what potential I have in my life. You can change your perception by trying to fi...


Manage your Time... One of the most effective skills you can have in life is powerful and effective  time management . If you're not managing your time well, there's no way you're going to reach your goals at work and the life outside of it. Sure, you might make some progress. But your time management will be an uphill battle if you don't take your time seriously. For people who squander and waste the precious little time they do have, they know all too well how difficult achieving even mildly difficult goals can be. The truth is that time is the greatest equalizer in life. No matter who you are, your age, income, gender, race or religion, you have the same amount of time as the next person. Whether you're filthy rich or dirt poor, your time is the same. It's not about how much time you have. It's about how effectively you  manage your time . So if you're serious about achieving your goals, not only do you need to set those goals the right way...


How to save your future... How you manage, spend, and invest your money can have a profound impact on your life, yet very few schools teach these important skills. Learning financial savvy can take a while, but the basics are fairly simple and  never change . Here’s where to get started. You were probably taught some basic math growing up, but too many people make it all the way to adulthood without ever learning basic money management. Skills like creating a budget, investing for the future, or even how credit cards work are startlingly rare skills. If you’re in need of a Money 101, we’ll cover the basics for beginners, while also giving you the resources you need to learn more. The Golden Rules of Personal Finance Managing your finances feels like nothing but a lot of paperwork and numbers. You make X amount of dollars, you spend Y amount, and you try to make sure Y is less than X. However, your finances are just as much about psychology, habits, and the values you...


Build a Healthy New Relationship... Make friends with people you admire for various reasons: because they are happy, kind, generous, successful at work, or successful in other ways. Join forces with those who have achieved things you want to achieve, or who are on their way to a common goal. Don't let jealousy get in your way: nobody's success is a threat to yours. ·          When making friends with someone, ask yourself if the person makes you feel motivated, positive, and confident, or if they make you feel tired, overwhelmed, or incompetent. Choose to spend time with the positive people, not the ones sucking your energy. ·          If you have friends or family members who always make you feel bad about yourself, limit the time you spend with them. Also, make sure to identify relationships that are not helping you to move towards your goals, that stress you out, or that require too much of ...


 (Theme) A Case of Murder:  A Poem by Adeosun Damilola Richard Like an echo from timeless Time, Pages of nature, speak of His Prime, Parting away His Divinity for Humanity, But still despised and rejected by Mankind, They said, it was Love that made Him Blind. I was wrong, when I taught "The gods must be Crazy", But He's far greater than gods to be whacky Zany, Little did I know, He came for our sinful Lace, But like one from whom people hide their Faces, He was mocked, afflicted, held with a low Esteem. Was He not murdered because of Love Or because it was an errand from the Father? A man that bored our suffering, known with Pains, Yet He never poured away the cup in the earth Drain, He was obedient, even to the Death of the Cross. Led like a Lamb to the house of the Slaughter, A man with no transgression was Murdered, For our iniquities, He was beaten and Killed, Yet who from His generation helped or Protested? Bloo...


How to Live Purposely I often find myself referring back to the quote from Annie Dillard, ‘How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.’ It is an excellent reminder that every day is a thread that weaves the fabric of our lives. Each thread is just as important as the next in creating  the life we imagined . Unfortunately, that hasn’t always been obvious to me. The trouble started when I signed up for Amazon Prime, the online super store’s two-day delivery service. I started out ordering a few books here and there and it was incredibly convenient. I found it amazing that I could order something and it would show up on my porch two days later. It saved time and allowed me to get the things I wanted without even leaving the house. Eventually, what started out as  an occasional convenience became a not so occasional habit . Individually, those small daily purchases didn’t seem like much. Maybe $10 on a book, $15 for a cable, perhaps $50 for a new kitche...


DEVELOP A BIG THINKING ABILITY LEARN CONTINUALLY: Big-picture thinkers are never satisfied with what they already know. They are always visiting new places, reading new books, meeting new people, learning new skills. And because of that practice, they often are able to connect the unconnected. They are lifelong learners . A reader is a leader. Learning has no side effect and learning is a success un tamperable. To read is to live and the level you know is the limit you will go; you can’t go farther than what you know, so learning has no stopping point. Big-picture thinkers are learners and learners are powerful. LISTEN INTENTIONALLY: Be a good listener. Don’t always be in a quest to ask speak out. A Big-picture thinker is a great listener. Listening to someone makes them feel safe and special which will manipulate them to expose their long-stored knowledge to you that is capable to transform your life. An excellent way to broaden your experience is to listen to someone w...


What do I need to do to grow my business? What do I need to do to grow my business? What are the best business growth strategies? What you will get from this article: ·          Discover the difference between a business plan and business map ·          Learn the 3 steps to take to grow your business ·          Understand how to identify where your business is at and where you want it to be ·          Find a concrete way to create your own business map If you’re trying to grow your business, chances are you’ve thought about making a business plan. Or maybe you already have one… on the back of a napkin. Somewhere. Or maybe you’ve read up on business growth strategies but don’t know how they apply to your field. You might go on to create a great-looking business plan, but when you go to execute...